Staff Applications Format and Guidelines

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Staff Applications Format and Guidelines Empty Staff Applications Format and Guidelines

Post by TyLORD Tue Jul 07, 2015 11:42 am

To apply for staff, you must follow the format and guidelines, so please read them carefully.


  1. You must follow the forum rules.
  2. You must have a minimum of 20 posts on the forum.
  3. You must have a reputation ratio greater than or equal to +5/-3.
  4. You may not post a staff application if you already have another one pending.
  5. You may not bump your application.
  6. You must have a poll question set up to be as follows:
    Title: Support
    Option one: +Support
    Option two: -Support
  7. You must have +Supports from at least 3 members. A +Support from 1 staff member counts as 2 members.
  8. You must follow the format.


Section A is mandatory. Section B will give you extra credit.

=-=-=-=-=-=Section A=-=-=-=-=-=
Steam Name:
Forum Name:
Steam ID:
Member Since (Date):
How active you are on the forums (1-10):
About you (2 paragraph/14 sentences MINIMUM):
=-=-=-=-=-=Section B=-=-=-=-=-=
How did you find out about this community:
Trusted Status (Y/N):
Did you join our Steam group? (Y/N):
Other staffing experience? If so, where?:
How can you help the community?:
People you can use as references (TyLORD is not an option):
Director of Administrative Personnel

Posts : 9
Join date : 2015-07-06

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